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Our Vision: 

We believe that the city of Rochester, the state of New York and ultimately the nation of America will become abortion-free. In order for this to be accomplished we believe that the pro-life ministries have to be united in our efforts. We believe that by partnering with other pro-life ministries and organizations and volunteering our time and energy, we can see this unity come to pass.

We believe in raising awareness regarding abortion. We believe that by standing in front of abortion clinics and government buildings (not by protest) and worshipping, praying and being the physical representation of Christ to everyone we encounter, people hearts will be changed and turned toward life.

We believe that the impact of abortion is very deep. We believe that Post-abortive ministry is very important for everyone that is impacted by abortion and that a healed person is a powerful person.

Mission Statement:

The purpose of this Pro-Life ministry is three-fold:
• To inspire unity among the other Pro-Life ministries/organizations within the Rochester Area by seeking to join them in their events and efforts. We will also continue to help administrate the annual Call to Justice gathering.
• To be advocates for life by standing in front of abortion clinics and government buildings and praying/worshipping. Our focus during this time is to decree life over these places and to offer help to anyone we come across that is seeking a solution to a crisis pregnancy.
• To host and administrate a Post-Abortive Recovery group called SIMCHA(Set in Motion Creative Healing Arts) that offers a non-judgmental safe place for people to be healed after an abortion through the use of the arts and open discussion.


Please contact Ami Preble 585.290.1800

OR visit us on FACEBOOK!

This video is not recommended for young audiences. It is also not a video to make anyone who has had an abortion feel condemned. The video is to expose what abortion is to those who have never been told the truth. Abortion hurts women and many who have had abortions find years later the torment it causes both emotionally, physically and even spiritually. May God speak to you through the video as we love every individual into choosing life.

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