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About Us

Our Vision:  Regional transformation through loving God, and loving people.
Our Mission: Discipleship through teaching and sharing the love of Christ: 

Loving God and loving people.

Brandon & Crystal Jackel

Burn 24/7 Retreat Center

Finger Lakes Region Directors


Brandon and Crystal currently live in Rochester, NY longing for to see people free! A Jesus-revolution that will result in honesty, humility, righteousness, and joy in real people in their everyday lives. They serve in various capacities in the city as missionaries, overseeing City to City, directing  Burn Rochester, discipling, mobilizing worship and intercession in every stream they're a part of. They believe our primary purpose in life is to radically love God and to love people.


"We desire to love God and to love people, in any city God has called us to. From one city to another, we have given ourselves to LOVE. We believe the Great Commandment paves way to the Great Commission. Love God, love people and go into all the world and make disciples. This is our honor to co-labor with Him!"

Samantha Decker

Burn 24/7 Rochester Director


Care Pastors and Prophetic Evangelism directos

Creative Arts 
Joshua and Cheri Lopez

SELAH Prophetic Art 

Burn 24-7

Care Pastors and Prophetic Evangelism directos

Since moving to the Rochester area to attend college at Roberts Wesleyan College, Sam has become very passionate about serving the community of Rochester both professionally and personally. I truly long to see Rochester reach deep into it’s heritage and experience the freedom that is only found through an established relationship with Jesus Christ! My desire is to create a place at the table for the community to come together in fellowship, worship, and prayer! I would love to see people all throughout Rochester come together infusing a variety of styles, cultures, and backgrounds as they worship through song, dance, creative arts, and the like. I believe Rochester has a lot of promise in the light of its history and it’s time we start declaring God’s promises over our city!!!

Joshua Lopez began SELAH Prophetic Art in 2012 as a means of being an expression of the beauty of the Lord through art. He is gifted as a seer and is being used to raise of other young people venturing out in the world of Holy Spirit inspired creativity. He has been serving along side Burn Rochester as an intercessor and prophetic oversight since 2011.

Cheri Poirier is a gifted and tenacious women of God who brings about momentum in everything she's a part of. She always gives her whole heart as a worship leader. Her depth inspires others to go deeper into the heart of God through intimacy with the Holy Spirit. She is used to propell others into their God-dreams and to connect people from a place of intimacy, to identity, and then to reality.

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